Outcast Soap Sampler
Code: OUTSampler
Product Description
OUTCAST Soap Sampler Box of 7 - Our Little Ones are Looking for a New Home!
*Try out some NEW SOAPS and find NEW FAVORITES *
You are in for a TREAT! This is a great way to try our soaps and find your new favorites. If you fall in LOVE with one, rest assured that we have the full-size bar available on our website or in our store - so you can always find your favorite.
Your OUTCAST SOAP SAMPLER box contains a description of the seven Outcasts you have saved. The sample size soaps are a generous 4" x 2.5" x .25" and fit perfectly in your hand for bath or shower. Each batch of boxes contains a different grouping, so check back with us for more adopting opportunities.
We appreciate your generosity in offering our babies a permanent home. ;)
Each box contains seven generous soap samples with a total weight of 12 - 13 oz.
Current Boxes contain (this grouping may be different than yours) -
Honey Oatmeal (brown with oats)
Lavender Patchouli (earthy purple)
Lavender Rose (pink)
Texas Wildflower(green w/specks)
Cowboy(scrubby sand/yellow)
Texas Mountain Laurel(light purple)
Hippie Hollow(brown)